Data-Driven Education Decisions

FEV Tutor provides your school with ongoing, easy-to-read student achievement reports, commentary from tutors, raw data, snapshot summaries and recent trends . Access to data in real time empowers teachers to make informed instructional decisions as part of their daily routine.



Assessments We Leverage

We analyze preexisting Benchmark Assessment Data to develop an individualized tutoring plan for each student.


Assessment Partners & Integrations

NWEA MAP, Star360, iReady & more

State Testing & Benchmarks

Formative Assessments

Aligned to Each Partner’s Unique Goals

Newton County Schools Improves Student Scores with Live Online Tutoring

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NYC DOE Mitigates C19 Learning Loss with Personalized Virtual Tutoring

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FEV Tutor Boosts Proficiency in Baltimore City Public Schools

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